Renew Your Membership On Line
Now you can renew your membership or make a donation on line with PayPal or a major credit card.
1.) Use the Renewal Options menu to add basic renewal to your shopping cart.
2.) You can add autopatch and additional family members as desired.
3.) Finally, you proceed to Checkout. You do NOT have to have a PayPal account to renew online.
4. If you have a paypal account, click "Check Out with Pay Pal".
5.) If you don't have a pay pal account or choose not to use your Pay Pal, account:
a.) Click the "Check Out" button on the left
b.) On the next screen, choose "Pay with a Credit or Debit Card, or Bill me Later".
===> PayPal accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
===> If you opt to use a credit card, your credit card information goes securely to PayPal and PayPal sends the funds to Radio Central.
===> Your credit card information will never be sent to Radio Central Amateur Radio Club.