Wednesday December 18, 2024 6:30 PM
At the Middle Country Public Library in Centereach Holiday Party Our December meeting will be an informal holiday party and membership show and tell. If you have an interesting ham related project or shack accessory, you are encouraged to bring it to the meeting and show it off to your fellow members. And if you feel so inclined, bring a dessert dish to share with the group. Radio Central Amateur Radio Club meetings are open to non-members as well as members. Anyone interested in Amateur Radio or wireless history is welcome to attend. You can find directions to the library here.
New! Club Event Calendar!
Check Out Five New Presentations Added to Our Presentations Library:
1.) FT8: How, Why, Tips and Tricks by Bill, N2WPT   View with Adobe Acrobat... 2.) FT8: The Newest, Most Popular Mode on MF/HF/VHF by Bob, WB2NFL   View with Adobe Acrobat... 3.) Six Meter Propagation Modes by Ken, WB2AMU   View with Adobe Acrobat... 4.) RFI in the Ham Shack - Tips and Traps by Rick, KC2FD   View with Adobe Acrobat... 5.) LC Bandpass Filters for 20M, 30M, 40M by Stephen E. Sussman-Fort, Ph.D, AB2EW   View with Adobe Acrobat... 6.) Software Defined Radios: One Ham's Perspective by Jon Longtin, KB8LFP   View with Adobe Acrobat...
In light of increasingly strict "Distracted Driving" laws, our ARRL Hudson Division Director contacted the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles to get their position on operation of mobile Amateur Radio equipment with respect to Distracted Driving laws. The DMV responded with a letter of opinion that appears to be very favorable to Amateur Radio. Basically is says that talking via ham radio does not constitute a violation of the Distracted Driving laws. It should be noted that though the DMV's letter (which can be downloaded from the Hudson Division web page here, of or from the RCARC web page here) is pro-Amateur Radio, it's an opinion from the DMV, not a binding agreement, so it's still possible to get pulled over, cited, and required to appear in court. More importantly, you should always give the road and traffic absolute priority over operating your radio while driving. In Mike Lisenco's own words: "Feel free to print out this opinion, but understand that it is not a license to be stupid! Let’s hope that you never need to use it."