Homebrew Night July, 2006
Members and Guests With Their Favorite Projects
Bill, AB2UW's 2.4 GHz yagi is a work in progress. Bill designed the yagi with a freeware antenna modeling program written by W3CF.
Charlie, K2CQK, with a Heathkit Cheyenne transmitter and companion Heathkit Comanche receiver.
Dick, K2RFP, with his hand crafted HF go-kit and carolina windom case.
Neil, KC2KY, with a PSK-31 audio beacon he built in 1999.
Joe Cohen, KJ4ZW, converted an old Karaoke machine into a case for a self-contained portable QRP station.
Cliff, N2GYI, designed and built a 10/15/17 meter loop antenna.
Bob, WB2ICQ, with a home brew balanced antenna tuner. The large coil to Bob's right is a coax balun that goes between the rig and the tuner.
A look at the inside of Bob's antenna tuner.